ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Amphibian aircraft

An amphibian aircraft is like a boat that can fly in the sky! This special kind of plane can take off and land on both water and land. It has special features like pontoons (floats) or retractable wheels, which allows it to do this.

When the plane is on water, it floats on top just like a boat. And when it needs to take off, it just needs a little bit of space (called a runway) to build up speed and launch itself into the air. Sometimes it might take off straight from the water, using the power of its engines to get it up in the air.

Now, when it wants to land on the water, it slows down and puts its pontoons down to land. These are like little legs or supports that stick out from the bottom of the plane and help it to float safely on the water. While landing, the pilot has to be very careful not to land too hard, or the plane might bounce or tip over!

When it's time to land on land, the plane retracts its pontoons and the wheels come out. These wheels help the plane to land softly on the ground, just like a normal plane. And that's how an amphibian aircraft works! It's like a magical flying boat that can go anywhere.