ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Anti-copyright license

Imagine a toy that you made from your building blocks. You spent a lot of time and effort on it, and you're really proud of it. Now, imagine that another kid in your class wants to play with your toy, but they want to take it home with them and show it to their other friends. You might not want that to happen because you made the toy and you want to be the one to decide how and when it's shared.

In the grown-up world, this kind of thing happens with books, movies, music, and other creative things that people make. Sometimes the people who make these things want to keep control over who can use them and how they can be used. They do this by using copyright. Copyright means that the person who made the thing owns the right to decide how it's used and who can use it.

But sometimes, people who make things don't want to use copyright. They want to share their work with others in a way that's more free and open. They want to give people the right to use their work however they want, without having to ask permission first. This is where an anti-copyright license comes in.

An anti-copyright license is a special kind of license that people can use to share their work. It's called an "anti-copyright" license because it does the opposite of what copyright does. Instead of giving the person who made the thing all of the power to control how it's used, an anti-copyright license gives some of that power to everyone else.

With an anti-copyright license, people can use the work however they want, without having to ask permission first. They can copy it, share it, and even change it if they want to. This means that the work can spread to more people and be used in more ways than it could if it was under a regular copyright.

One example of an anti-copyright license is called Creative Commons. This license lets people share their work in lots of different ways, from letting others use it for free to only allowing it to be used if the person gives credit to the person who made it.

Overall, anti-copyright licenses are a way for people to share their work more freely and openly, without having to worry about copyright restrictions.