ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Application performance engineering

Okay kiddo, have you ever played a game or used an app on your tablet, phone, or computer that was really slow and took a long time to load or do what you wanted it to do? That's where Application Performance Engineering comes in!

Imagine you have a big toy box with lots of different toys inside. Now, let's say you want to find a certain toy, like a toy car. You start looking through the toy box, but the toy car is buried at the bottom of the box and you have to move lots of other toys out of the way to get to it. This takes a lot of time and can be frustrating, especially if you really want to play with the toy car right away!

When we use apps and games on our devices, they also have lots of different parts that need to work together to make them run smoothly. These parts can include things like code, data, servers, and networks. If these parts are not organized or working together efficiently, the app or game can be slow and frustrating to use.

That's where Application Performance Engineering comes in! It's a way to help make sure all the different parts of an app or game are organized and working together as efficiently as possible. Engineers use special tools and techniques to find and fix any parts of the app or game that are slowing it down or causing it to be glitchy.

Think of it like cleaning up your toy box so that you can easily find and play with any toy you want, without having to dig through a bunch of other toys first. By making apps and games run smoothly, engineers help us enjoy them more and have a better experience when we use them.