ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Network virtualization

Okay kiddo, let me explain to you what network virtualization is. You know how we use computers to do a lot of things like play games, watch movies or learn new things on the internet? Well, we also use computers to connect with other computers all around the world. These computers are called servers and they help us to do a lot of things like sending emails, chatting with friends, sharing files and even watching videos.

Now, let's imagine that you have a lot of toys and you want to keep them organized. You can use a box to keep your toys in order, right? Similarly, network virtualization uses something called a "box" to keep all the computers connected and organized. This box is called a virtual network or "vnet" for short.

A virtual network is like a pretend playground where all the computers can play together without actually being in the same place. It's like having a magical box that can create a playground wherever you want it to be. With network virtualization, we can create multiple playgrounds inside the same box and each playground can have its own rules and games. It's like having different rooms in your house for different activities, such as a playroom for toys, a study room for reading and a kitchen for cooking.

By using virtual networks, we can make it easier for people to connect and communicate with each other, just like when we use a toy phone to talk to our friends. Virtual networks also make it easier for companies to share information and resources with their employees all around the world, just like when you share your toys with your friends.

So, that's pretty much what network virtualization is all about. It's like having a magic box that creates pretend playgrounds where computers can play together and communicate with each other, just like you do with your friends. Cool, huh?