ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Arbeit macht frei

"Arbeit macht frei" is a sentence written on the entrance gate of a Nazi concentration camp during World War II. The sentence means "work sets you free" in German.

However, it was a cruel and false message to prisoners because they were not free at all; they were locked up in the camp and forced to work long hours without much food, rest or dignity. They were treated very badly by the Nazi soldiers who ran the camp. Some prisoners were tortured and even killed.

So, even though it says "Arbeit macht frei" on the gate, it is not true at all. No amount of work could make them truly free. They were trapped and suffered horribly until they were released or died. It is important to remember the lesson of the Holocaust and to never let something like that happen again, where someone is put in slavery with no hope for freedom.
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