Aseptic technique is when somebody is trying to make sure that something doesn't get sick with germs. Imagine you have a bug in your tummy and you don't feel so good. You know that you have to be careful not to spread your bugs to your friends so they won't get sick too.
With aseptic technique, we try to stop germs from getting to things like food, medicine, or medical equipment. People who use aseptic techniques always make sure that their hands and things they're using are clean so they don't spread germs.
For example, if somebody needs to give you medicine through a needle, they will use a clean needle so that germs don't get into your body. Imagine you're playing a game of "Operation" but with a real person. You have to be very careful so you don't hurt your friend or give them any germs.
Aseptic technique helps to keep people and things healthy, just like washing our hands or not coughing on others helps keep us from getting sick.