ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Assurance (theology)

Assurance in theology means being sure and confident that we will go to heaven and be with God when we die. Imagine you are going to a big party but you are not sure if you are invited or not. Assurance is like getting a special invitation in the mail with your name on it that says you are definitely invited to the party. In the same way, assurance gives us confidence that we are invited to be with God in heaven.

In order to have assurance, we need to believe in Jesus Christ and trust that He died on the cross to forgive our sins. This is like having a special ticket to the party. We need to have this ticket to be allowed into heaven.

It is important to remember that assurance does not mean we can do whatever we want or stop believing in Jesus. Just like we need to follow the rules of the party to enjoy ourselves, we need to live a good life and obey God's teachings to show that we truly believe in Him.

Overall, assurance is like having a special invitation or ticket to be with God in heaven and feeling confident and sure that we will get there if we live a good life and trust in Jesus Christ.