ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Asymptotic safety in quantum gravity

Okay kiddo, imagine you have a really big puzzle to put together - it has billions and billions of little pieces! So many that you might not even be able to count them all by yourself.

Now imagine that you have a friend who wants to help you put the puzzle together. But your friend has a really important job to do halfway through the puzzle-solving, so they can't stay for the whole time.

You start working on the puzzle together, and you both notice that there are some pieces that just don't seem to fit the way they should. Some are too big, some are too small, and some just don't really make sense in the context of the picture you're trying to put together.

So your friend tells you that they think there might be a problem with the way the puzzle is designed - maybe the pieces don't fit together properly, or maybe there are some pieces missing that are really important.

But instead of giving up and thinking that the puzzle is impossible to solve, you and your friend come up with a really clever idea. You decide to focus on the pieces that seem to fit together really well, and you start working on the sections of the puzzle that you can manage on your own.

As you work on the puzzle, you notice that there are certain patterns that keep repeating themselves - certain shapes and colors that appear over and over again. And with your friend's help, you start to make sense of these patterns, and you start to put together a picture that is starting to look more and more complete.

But even though you've made a lot of progress, there are still some sections of the puzzle that are really tricky, and you're not sure how to fit them together. Your friend has to leave to go do their important job, but before they go, they give you some advice. They say that if you focus on the parts of the puzzle that seem to work well, and if you keep looking for patterns and ways to fit the pieces together, you might eventually figure out how to complete the whole thing.

That's kind of like what "asymptotic safety in quantum gravity" is all about. Scientists are trying to solve a really big puzzle - how does gravity work on a very, very small scale, like the size of atoms or even smaller? And right now, there are some pieces of the puzzle that just don't seem to fit together properly.

But instead of giving up, scientists are focusing on the parts of the puzzle that do seem to fit together well, and they're looking for patterns and ways to connect those pieces. And they think that if they keep working on this puzzle, they might eventually figure out how gravity works on a very small scale - kind of like how you and your friend might eventually figure out how to solve your puzzle if you just keep focusing on the parts that work well!