ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Augusto Boal

Augusto Boal was a man who made up some really cool games that people can play together to try and understand how things work in the world. He was kind of like a big teacher for people who wanted to learn about theater and how to use it to make things better in their communities.

His games were meant to help people think and talk about big ideas and problems. One of his most famous games is called "Forum Theatre." In this game, people act out a situation where someone is being treated unfairly or unequally, and then they pause the game to come up with new ideas to make things better for everyone.

Another cool thing that Boal invented was called "Theatre of the Oppressed." This is a way of using theater to show how people in power can sometimes be unfair or mean, and how regular people can stand up to them and change things for the better. It's kind of like a way to practice being brave and standing up for what's right.

Overall, Augusto Boal was a really smart guy who used theater to help people think and talk about big issues and try to make the world a better place.