ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ballistic vest

A ballistic vest is a special type of clothing that can help protect someone from bullets that might hit them. The vest is made up of layers of material that can stop a bullet from piercing through and hitting the person's body. The material in the vest is really strong, kind of like the way a superhero might have a really strong shield to protect them.

So, if someone like a police officer or a soldier is wearing a ballistic vest and someone else shoots a gun at them, the vest can help stop the bullet from causing serious harm. It's like wearing an invisible superhero shield that helps protect your body from danger. But, it is important to remember that even though the vest can help reduce the chances of getting hurt, it's not a guarantee that someone won't get injured if they are shot. That's why people who need to protect themselves from guns have to be really careful and always be aware of their surroundings.