ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Bathing means taking a bath. It's like washing your whole body using water and soap.

When you take a bath, you usually start by getting undressed and getting into a bathtub or shower stall. The bathtub is like a big bowl with water in it, and the shower stall is like a small room with water coming out of a faucet or shower head.

Then you turn on the water and adjust the temperature to a comfortable level. It's important to make sure the water is not too hot or too cold, just right like Goldilocks' porridge.

Next, you wet your body with the water. You can use a sponge or washcloth to help you clean your skin. Then you use soap or body wash to help remove dirt and germs from your skin. You can also use shampoo to clean your hair if you have any on your head or body.

Make sure you clean all parts of your body, especially those that are usually sweaty or dirty like underarms, feet, and private parts.

After you are done washing, you rinse your skin and hair with clean water to get rid of all the soap. Then, you can choose to dry off using a towel or air dry.

Taking a bath is important to keep your body clean and smelling fresh. It can also help you relax and feel refreshed after a hard day of playing or doing grown-up stuff. So, make sure you take a bath regularly!