ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Battery cage

Okay, kiddo, imagine a big house for chickens where they lay eggs. Now, imagine that instead of the chickens having the whole house to themselves, they are kept in small cages that are just big enough for one or two chickens. These cages are called battery cages.

The chickens inside the battery cages don't have much space to move around, and they can't even spread their wings. They also can't perch or scratch the ground because there isn't enough space to do so.

In these cages, the chickens are fed and watered automatically, so they don't have to worry about finding their own food or water. But they don't get to go outside, so they never see the sun, feel the breeze or roam around freely.

Some people think that battery cages are not very nice for chickens because it's not a very natural way for them to live. However, some people also think that it's necessary to keep eggs affordable for everyone.

Overall, it's a bit of a controversial topic, but I hope that explanation helps!
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