ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Behaviorism (philosophy of education)

Behaviorism is a way of thinking about how people learn things. It says that people learn by doing things and getting rewarded for doing them right, or getting punished when they do things wrong. Think about it like when you get a treat for doing something good, like cleaning your room, or getting in trouble for doing something bad, like hitting your sister. When you get something good for doing something right, it makes you want to do it more.

In schools, behaviorism can be used to help students learn. Teachers can give rewards, like stickers or praise, when students do well on their homework or pay attention in class. They can also give punishments, like taking away recess time, when students are not behaving as they should. The idea is that students will learn best when they get rewarded for good behavior and punished for bad behavior.

Some people think that behaviorism is too simple and doesn't take into account other factors that can affect learning, like emotions or cultural differences. But others think it's a useful way to help students learn and be successful in school.