ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Bernoulli trial

Okay kiddo, imagine you're playing a game where you flip a coin. You can either get heads or tails. This is called a Bernoulli trial! It's like a fancy name for a game with only two possible outcomes.

Now let's say you play this game with your friend several times. Sometimes you might get heads more than tails, and sometimes you might get tails more than heads. This is because there's a chance that the coin will land on either side.

But if you play this game a LOT of times, like hundreds or thousands of times, you might start to see a pattern emerge. You might start to notice that you get heads and tails about the same number of times. This is because something called the Bernoulli distribution comes into play.

The Bernoulli distribution is like a rulebook for how often you can expect to get heads or tails in a Bernoulli trial. It helps us figure out the probability of getting one outcome or the other. So even though the outcome of each individual game (or flip of the coin) is random, we can predict what will happen in the long run by using the Bernoulli distribution.

So there you have it, kiddo! A Bernoulli trial is just a fancy name for a game with two possible outcomes, and the Bernoulli distribution helps us figure out the probability of getting each outcome over many, many games.