Beyond coal means using less coal energy and finding other energy sources to power our communities. Coal energy is a kind of energy that comes from burning coal, and because it causes pollution when it's burned, it is bad for the environment. To help protect the environment, people are looking for different kinds of energy that don't pollute as much and are also renewable. Renewable energy means energy sources that can be used over and over again, like wind, sun, and water. Wind energy comes from blowing wind, and it can be used to turn a special kind of turbine to make energy. Sun energy is energy that comes from the Sun, and it can be used in special solar panels to make the energy we need for homes, businesses, and cities. Water energy is energy that comes from moving water, like in rivers and oceans, and it can be used to turn a special kind of turbine to make the energy that people need. All of these kinds of energy are clean, so they don't pollute the environment like coal energy does.