ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Binary file

Well, imagine you have a big box full of toys, and each toy is made of different parts. When you want to put the toys together, you need to follow a specific pattern or instruction so that you create the right toy out of the correct parts.

Now, imagine if you wanted to store those instructions in a special box that only understood two signals: on and off. That's just what a binary file is like!

A binary file is a collection of data, but instead of being written in words or letters that we can easily read, it's written in a special code that uses only two digits: 0 and 1. These digits are called "bits".

Just like the toy example, the binary file contains specific instructions on how to put the data together. It's used by your computer to store everything from pictures, music, video games, and even programs!

When you open a binary file, your computer reads the "bits" in the file and converts them back into the data that you can actually see and use.

So, binary files are like a secret code that only computers understand, enabling them to store information that can be used later on!
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