ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Black Sexual Politics: African Americans, Gender, and the New Racism

Black sexual politics is a way to talk about the experiences and struggles that Black people face when it comes to their gender and sexuality, and how these experiences are affected by racism.

African American people have a rich history and culture, and part of that culture is about how people express themselves sexually and how relationships work within the community. However, due to the history of racism and oppression that Black people have faced in the United States, this has often been a difficult and complicated issue.

For example, Black women have been objectified and hypersexualized throughout history, which has led to a lot of negative stereotypes and misunderstandings about their sexuality. At the same time, Black men have been a target of over-policing and harsh criminal justice policies, which often result in them being seen as dangerous or violent sexual predators.

The "new racism" refers to a more subtle and disguised form of racism that is often harder to detect or address. It involves things like attitudes, beliefs, and assumptions that people have about different races, without necessarily being openly hostile or discriminatory.

When it comes to Black sexual politics, the new racism can be seen in the way that society may judge or stereotype Black people based on their sexuality, such as assuming that they are promiscuous or that they must be gay or lesbian. It can also be seen in the ways that Black people may experience racism within the LGBTQ+ community, where issues like classism, homophobia, or transphobia can intersect with racism.

Overall, Black sexual politics is a way to raise awareness and understanding about how the experiences of Black people in terms of gender, sexuality, and race are deeply connected, and how addressing issues of racism is essential for creating a more inclusive and equitable society.