ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Blast injury

Have you ever played with a balloon and popped it suddenly? Remember that loud sound and how it made you jump? Now, imagine that sound is much louder and much stronger. That's what happens during a blast.

A blast injury is when someone gets hurt by a very loud and strong explosion. This can happen from things like bombs, fireworks, or gas explosions. When the explosion happens, a big wave of air spreads out really quickly. This strong wave of air can knock things over, break windows, and even damage buildings.

People can get hurt from a blast injury in a few different ways. Sometimes, the force of the explosion can push someone really hard and make them hit things that hurt them. Other times, things like rocks, debris, or pieces of a building can be thrown around and hit people. The loud noise from the explosion can also hurt someone's ears.

When someone gets a blast injury, it can be very serious. They might have broken bones, cuts, bruises, or damage to their organs. They might also have a hard time hearing or feeling dizzy. Some people might even have a hard time remembering things or have trouble with things like thinking or speaking.

Blast injuries are very scary and dangerous, so it's important to stay safe and listen to the instructions of the people in charge during things like fireworks or other events with explosions.