Imagine your body is like a big house with a lot of rooms and hallways. Your blood is like water that flows through all the hallways to give your body energy and keep it healthy.
Sometimes, in movies or plays, there are scenes where people pretend to get hurt and bleed. This is where a blood squib comes in. A blood squib is a small special effect device that is hidden under a person's clothes. It looks like a tiny bag filled with fake blood.
When it's time for the person to pretend to get hurt, a special effects person triggers the blood squib. This usually happens by using a remote control or a small electrical charge. When the blood squib is triggered, it bursts open. Just like when a balloon pops and water comes out, the fake blood squirts out of the bag, simulating real blood.
The purpose of the blood squib is to make the scene look realistic and exciting. It helps the audience feel like they are watching something intense. It's important to remember that the person who gets the blood squib is not actually hurt. It's all just pretend and part of the show.