ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Bobath concept

The Bobath Concept is a way of helping people who have difficulty with their movement because they have had an injury or illness that has affected their brain or nervous system. This approach is named after two people called Berta and Karel Bobath who were physiotherapists that helped people with these kinds of difficulties.

It works by helping the person use their body in a way that is easier for them. This might mean the therapist shows the person how to move their arms and legs in a different way or helps them to balance better. They might also help the person practice their movements so that they can get better at them.

The Bobath Concept is different from other approaches because it focuses on the whole body, not just one specific part. It also takes into account the person's individual needs and abilities. This means that the therapist will work with the person to come up with a plan that is tailored to them.

Overall, the Bobath Concept is a helpful approach for people who need assistance with movement because it takes a tailored and holistic approach to their rehabilitation.