ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Border control

Alright kiddo, so let's start with a simple question. Do you know what borders are?

Borders are imaginary or real lines that separate different places like countries. Every country has its own border, which separates it from other countries.

Now let's talk about border control.

When people want to go from one country to another, they have to go through border control. At the border, there are people who check to make sure that the person has permission to enter the country.

These people are called border control officers, and they work for the government. They have special training to do their job.

Border control officers check things like passports, visas, and other documents to make sure that people are allowed to enter the country. They may also ask some questions to make sure that the person is not a threat to the country's safety.

Sometimes, border control officers may also search people's bags and belongings to make sure that they are not bringing anything illegal into the country.

Border control is very important because it helps keep countries safe. It also helps to make sure that people who enter a country are doing so legally and following the country's rules.