ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Brahmic family

Brahmic family is a group of writing systems that have similar origins and characteristics. Imagine when you learn how to write letters of the alphabet in school, there are different styles like cursive, block, and fancy writing. Brahmic family is like a big family of different letter styles that come from the same place and share some things in common.

Most of the letter styles in the Brahmic family are used for writing languages in South Asia and Southeast Asia, like Hindi, Bengali, Thai, and Khmer. They all have letters that are written from left to right, and they use symbols called diacritics to show different sounds, like how "ä" sounds different from "a".

Some people might think that all the letters in the Brahmic family look the same, but if you look closely, you'll see that they have different shapes, strokes, and loops. It's like how your mom's and dad's handwriting might look a little different. Even though they both learned how to write letters in school, they have their own unique way of writing.

Overall, Brahmic family is like a family of writing styles that are related and have some things in common, but they're also unique in their own way, just like how you and your family members are unique individuals.