ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

British monarchs' family tree

So, imagine you have a big family with lots of cousins, aunts, and uncles. That's kind of what the British monarchs' family tree is like.

The family tree shows how all the kings and queens of England (now the United Kingdom) are related to each other. The first king on the list is William the Conqueror, who became king in 1066.

Each king or queen had children who grew up to be kings or queens themselves. Sometimes, these children had children who also became kings or queens. And so on and so on, all the way down to the current queen, Queen Elizabeth II.

The family tree is really big and has lots of branches, kind of like a tree in a forest. But even though the family tree is big, it's really important because it helps us understand who is next in line to be king or queen. In fact, the family tree is so important that people sometimes call it the "line of succession."