ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Broadcast journalism

Broadcast journalism is when reporters or news anchors tell stories and inform people about important events on television or on the radio. Just like how your teacher tells you about things you need to know in class, these reporters and anchors tell you about things happening in the world. They might talk about things like elections, weather, sports, or even new inventions.

These reporters and anchors have to do a lot of research to make sure they have all the right information. They might read articles, talk to people who were there, or even go to the place where the event happened. Once they have all the information, they write a story or a script that tells you everything you need to know.

When it's time to broadcast the news, they go to a studio with cameras and microphones. They might stand in front of a green screen or sit at a news desk to tell you the news. They have to be really good at speaking clearly and loudly so that everyone can hear them.

The news is important because it helps us understand what's happening around us. Sometimes the news can be sad, but it's important to know what's going on. Broadcast journalism tells us what we need to know and helps us stay informed.