ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Buddhist cosmology

Buddhist cosmology is like a big story about how the universe works according to Buddhism. Imagine the universe as a big onion with lots of layers. Each layer is like a different world or heaven or hell.

Buddhists believe that there are six different realms that a person's soul can be reborn into, depending on their actions in their previous lives. These realms are called the "six realms of existence." The realms are:

1. Gods (devas): These are heavenly beings who have a lot of power and good things in their lives. They live very long lives and are very happy.
2. Asuras: These are sort of like demigods or Titans. They are powerful and have lots of strength, but they are often jealous and angry.
3. Humans: This is the realm we are in now! We experience pleasure and pain, have good and bad moments, and can learn and grow a lot.
4. Animals: Self-explanatory! Animals eat, sleep, and mate, but they don't have the same kind of consciousness as humans.
5. Pretas: These are beings in the Buddhist cosmology who are very hungry and thirsty, but can never get enough to eat or drink. They are always wanting more and more, but are never satisfied.
6. Hells: This is the worst realm to be reborn into. There are many different hells, each with different tortures and suffering.

Buddhism also believes in different worlds and universes. There are many different universes and each one has different layers, like the onion we talked about.

Buddhist cosmology is important because it helps us understand the cycle of life, death, and rebirth. It also helps us see that our actions have consequences and affect what realm we will be reborn into in our next life. Finally, it helps us understand that everything is impermanent and constantly changing, so we should focus on living a good life and doing good things while we can.