ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Buddhist view of marriage

Buddhists believe that marriage is a commitment between two people who love and respect each other. They believe that love and understanding are the foundation of a good marriage.

Unlike some other religious beliefs, Buddhists do not view marriage as a sacrament, meaning it is not considered a religious ceremony. Instead, it is viewed as a social and legal contract between two people.

Buddhists believe that a successful marriage requires mutual love, respect, and trust. The couple must work together to create a happy household, and they must be willing to compromise and communicate effectively.

Buddhists also believe in the principle of non-attachment. This means that we should not be attached to things, people, or experiences, as everything is impermanent. Therefore, while Buddhists value marriage, they understand that it is not forever and it too can change.

Ultimately, the Buddhist view of marriage is that it is a partnership based on loving-kindness, respect, and compassion. By working together and respecting each other, couples can create a happy and fulfilling relationship.