ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, so our bodies have a lot of different cells that do different jobs. Some of these cells need to divide or make more copies of themselves. And when they do this, they use a special protein called CDC2L1.

CDC2L1 is like a little machine inside the cell that helps it get ready to divide. It's kind of like a conductor getting an orchestra ready to play a song. The CDC2L1 protein makes sure that everything is in the right place and that the cell is ready to split into two.

But why is it important for our cells to divide you might ask? Well, sometimes our bodies need to replace old or damaged cells with new ones. For example, when our skin gets scratched, our skin cells need to divide to make new cells to fix the scratch.

So, in summary, CDC2L1 is an important protein that helps our cells divide and make new cells when our bodies need them. It's like a conductor getting the cell ready to play a symphony of new cells!