ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cabinet (government)

Okay kiddo, so imagine you have a really big toy box with all your toys in it. Now, think of the country as having a really big toy box filled with lots of important things that help keep the country running smoothly.

The cabinet is like a special group of people who are chosen to help the leader of the country (called the Prime Minister or President). The cabinet is made up of people who are really good at different things, like making sure teachers have everything they need to teach or keeping the roads safe to drive on.

Just like how you might ask your mom or dad for help with something, the leader of the country (the Prime Minister or President) asks the people in the cabinet for help with different things that are very important for the country.

So, the cabinet is a group of people who are specially chosen to help the leader of the country make important decisions and take care of things in the country, kind of like how your parents might ask their friends or family for help with important things.