ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay, so imagine you're walking home at night and you start to feel a little scared because it's dark and you're alone. Suddenly, you see two animals - one black and one white - and they start to follow you. That's the cadejo!

Some people in Central America believe that the cadejo is a spirit or a ghost that takes the form of these two animals. The black one is supposed to be evil and the white one is good.

If the black cadejo is following you, it's because you've done something bad or you're making bad choices. But don't worry, the white cadejo is there to protect you! It'll try to scare away the black one or even fight it if it has to.

Some people also believe that if you see the cadejo, you should try to give it a gift like bread or alcohol. This can keep it from bothering you or even bring you good luck!

So, the cadejo is kind of like a scary but also helpful creature that people believe in. But remember, it's just a story and not something to be afraid of in real life.