ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Canadian constitutional law

Alright kiddo, let me explain Canadian Constitutional Law to you.

Have you ever played a game with your friends where you made rules, like you have to tag someone to make them "it"? Well, Canada also has some really important rules that everyone in the country has to follow. These rules are called the Constitution.

The Constitution is like a big book that explains how Canada is run, who has power to make decisions, and what everyone's rights are. It was created a long time ago, in 1867, when Canada became a country. Since then, the Constitution has been updated a few times to make sure it's fair for everyone.

Now, let's say 2 people in Canada have a disagreement about something. Maybe one person thinks they have the right to have a gun, but the other person thinks guns should be illegal. They might go to court to talk about this problem, and the court would use the Constitution to help decide who is right.

Canadian Constitutional Law is like a fancy way of saying how the Constitution is used in court cases. It helps judges and lawyers understand what the Constitution says, and how it can be used to protect people's rights. It also makes sure that everyone in the country is treated equally, no matter where they come from or what they believe.

So, that's Canadian Constitutional Law! It's all about following the rules in the Constitution and making sure everyone is treated fairly. Maybe one day you'll become a lawyer or judge and use the Constitution to help people too!