ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Captain Regent

Okay kiddo, so you know how some groups of people have a leader to make important decisions? Like a captain of a ship or a teacher in a classroom? Well, in a place called San Marino, they have two leaders called Captains Regent.

Now, these Captains Regent are not like regular captains because they don't control a ship. Instead, they are elected by the people of San Marino to be in charge of making important decisions for their country. They work together as a team to lead the country for six months at a time.

During their six months as Captains Regent, they have to make sure everyone in San Marino is following the law and being nice to each other. They also have to talk to other countries and make friends with them so that San Marino can have good relationships with other places.

But don't worry, these Captains Regent don't have all the power in San Marino. There is also a group called the Grand and General Council who help make decisions too. Together, everyone works to make San Marino a happy and safe place for people to live.

So that's what a Captain Regent is, a person who is elected to lead a country for six months at a time and make important decisions with a group of people.