ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Carbon diet

Hi there, little one! Today, we will talk about something really important called the "Carbon Diet."

Just like we need to watch what we eat to stay healthy, our planet also needs some watching to stay healthy. Carbon is a gas that comes from many things we do, like driving cars and using electricity. Too much carbon in the air can make the planet sick, like littering makes our playgrounds yucky.

A Carbon Diet is like a special plan we make to help reduce the amount of carbon that we put into the air. We can make changes in our everyday lives to help reduce our carbon footprint, which is the amount of carbon we produce.

Here are some things we can do to help reduce the carbon we produce:
-We can walk or ride our bike instead of driving in a car.
-We can turn off the lights and our toys when we're not using them.
-We can try to use less electricity and water.

If we all work together to reduce our carbon footprint, we can help keep the planet healthy and happy for all of us to enjoy!