ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Carbon nanotube quantum dot

So, you know how things are made of tiny little parts called atoms? Well, sometimes scientists can take those tiny atoms and put them together in a special way to make something even tinier called a carbon nanotube. Imagine if you lined up legos to make a really long and skinny car. That's kind of what a carbon nanotube looks like.

Now, imagine if you took that carbon nanotube and you made a little ball on the end of it called a quantum dot. It's like if you put a tiny little lego ball on the end of your long skinny lego car. But this ball is special because it's so small that it has some special properties that other materials don't have.

One of those special properties is that electrons can move around inside the quantum dot in a very unique way. Normally, when electrons move around in a material, they do it in a sort of wiggly path, like they're riding a rollercoaster. But in a quantum dot, electrons can only move in certain set paths, like they're only allowed to ride on one specific rollercoaster track. Scientists can use this special electron movement to do cool things like make really fast computer chips or super-precise sensors.

But the coolest thing about carbon nanotube quantum dots is that they're so tiny that they can do all these cool electron movements, but they don't take up much space at all! Imagine if you had a toy car that could actually drive like a real car, but it was so small that you could fit a million of them on the head of a pin. That's kind of like what a carbon nanotube quantum dot is like – really cool and really tiny at the same time!