ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Carbonates on Mars

Carbonates are rocks that contain a mineral called carbonate. On Mars, there are a lot of carbonates that have been found on the surface.

Imagine that Mars is like a big sandbox, and we're digging around to find different types of rocks. When we find rocks that have carbonates in them, it's like finding a special type of sand that's different from the others.

Scientists are really interested in these carbonates because they can tell us a lot about what Mars was like a long time ago. It's like looking at a picture book from a long time ago to see what things were like back then.

The carbonates on Mars tell us that there used to be a lot of water on Mars. Water is really important because it helps things grow and it can also help make rocks like carbonates. Scientists think that there used to be rivers and lakes on Mars, and that's how these carbonates formed.

So by studying the carbonates on Mars, scientists can learn more about what the planet was like in the past and whether there might have been life there. It's kind of like solving a big puzzle, and the carbonates are one of the pieces that help us figure out what happened on Mars a long time ago.