ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cellular computing

Cellular computing is like a big team of tiny workers called cells that all work together to do things inside your computer or phone. Just like you have different parts of your body that do different things like eyes to see or fingers to type, these tiny cells have different jobs too.

These cells work together in a way that's kind of like a big city. If you think about a city with lots of buildings, there are many different people doing different things in each building. Some people might be working in offices, some might be cooking food in restaurants, and others might be running stores or factories. All these different people work together to make the city run smoothly.

In cellular computing, each tiny cell is like one of those buildings in the city. But instead of people, they contain tiny parts of your computer, like memory or the processor. Each cell does its own job, but they all communicate with each other to make sure everything is working properly.

Just like how you can talk to your friends to ask them for help or share information, these cells can also talk to each other to make sure the computer is running smoothly. They use tiny signals to send information back and forth so everything works the way it should.

So, cellular computing is basically when all these tiny cells work together like a big team to make your computer or phone work properly. They have different jobs, but they're all important to keep everything running smoothly, just like how all the people in a city work together to keep it running.