ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Cellulose is something that we can find in plants like trees, grasses, and even cotton. It is made up of many tiny things called "sugar molecules" that are connected together in a very special way.

These sugar molecules are known as glucose and they are arranged in such a way that they form long chain-like structures. Imagine a necklace that goes on and on without any end, and instead of beads, it has tiny sugar molecules all linked together.

These chains combine with one another in a way that makes them tough and strong, almost like a rope or a cable. This gives the plants a lot of strength and rigidity, which in turn enables them to stand upright even in rough winds or heavy rains.

Even though cellulose is very important for plants, we humans also use it for different things. For example, we use wood, paper, and even some types of plastics that are made of cellulose.

So, to sum it up, cellulose is like tiny beads of sugar that plants use to make themselves strong, and we humans use it to make things like wood, paper, and even some plastics!
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