ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Center for Homeland Defense and Security

The Center for Homeland Defense and Security (CHDS) is a place where grown-ups go to learn about how to keep our country safe from bad things happening. It's like a special school where important people, like police officers and government workers, go to study and get better at their jobs.

At CHDS, they learn about lots of different things that can be dangerous to our country, like terrorism, natural disasters, cyber attacks, and more. They also learn how to work together and communicate better, so they can be even more effective at keeping us safe.

The teachers at CHDS use lots of different ways to teach the grown-ups. They might use games, puzzles, or even pretend scenarios where they pretend something bad is happening and they have to figure out how to fix it.

When the grown-ups finish their classes at CHDS, they bring all of their new knowledge and skills back to their jobs, where they can work even harder to keep our country safe. So, even though we might not see it every day, the people at CHDS are doing important work to help protect us all!