ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ceramic tile

Ceramic tile is like a special type of flat rock that people use to cover floors and walls in their homes. Imagine little squares that are all the same size and shape, kind of like puzzle pieces. They can be different colors and patterns, like a checkerboard or little flowers. When you put them all together, it makes a pretty design.

The squares are made from clay, which is a type of dirt that is dug up from the ground. The clay is shaped into little squares and then baked in a really hot oven (called a kiln) until it gets very hard and can't be easily broken.

Once the tiles are baked and cooled down, people can start using them to cover their floors or walls. They spread a special glue on the floor or wall and place the tiles on top, making sure they are all lined up neatly. Then they wait for the glue to dry and the tiles to stick in place.

Ceramic tile is great because it is really durable, meaning it lasts a long time without getting damaged. It's also easy to clean if you spill something on it, so it's perfect for places like kitchens and bathrooms where things can get messy. Plus, since there are many different colors and patterns, people can create all sorts of designs and decorate their homes with something unique and pretty.