ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Charge description master

Okay, let's play pretend that you and I are running a make-believe store where we sell toys, candy, and other fun stuff. When someone comes in and wants to buy something, we need to tell them how much they have to pay for it. But how do we know how much to charge?

That's where our big book comes in - it's called a Charge Description Master, or CDM for short. This book has a list of all the things we sell in our store, and how much each thing costs. For example, it might say that a toy car costs $5, and a candy bar costs $1.

Now, let's say that we get a new toy car to sell in our store. We need to put it in the CDM, so we know how much to charge people for it. We'll write down that the new toy car costs $7, and put it in the right spot in the book. That way, we'll remember to charge people $7 when they want to buy it.

It might seem like a simple book, but keeping our CDM updated and accurate is really important. If we accidentally charge someone the wrong amount, they might not want to come back to our store - and that would be really sad! So, we always make sure to check our CDM before we ring up anything at the cash register.