ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Alright kiddo, have you ever played with blocks before? You know how you can stack them up in different ways to make different shapes and sizes?

Well, cheminformatics is kind of like playing with blocks, but instead of blocks we use molecules!

Molecules are tiny particles that are made up of even smaller particles called atoms. Scientists study different molecules to learn about how they work and how they can be used to make new things.

But, keeping track of all the different molecules and their properties can be really hard! That's where cheminformatics comes in.

Just like how we can stack blocks in different ways, scientists can use cheminformatics to figure out how different molecules can be combined or modified to make new and improved materials.

They do this by using computers and special programs to analyze lots of data about different molecules. It's kind of like doing a puzzle!

Scientists can use this information to make predictions about how different molecules will behave and what kind of new things they could be used for.

So, in simple terms, cheminformatics is like playing with molecules like we play with blocks, but it helps scientists figure out how to create new things with them!