ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Molecular descriptor

Okay kiddo, have you ever played with a toy that has different parts to it? Each part does something different, right?

Well, imagine that a molecule is like a toy too. It has different parts that make it unique. But how can we describe those parts? That's where molecular descriptors come in.

Molecular descriptors are like a list of traits that tell us about the molecule. They’re like a recipe card that tells us what ingredients are in a cake. Some of the things we can learn from a molecular descriptor might include how big or small the molecule is, what shape it has, and what atoms are in it. It helps scientists understand what the molecule is and how it behaves.

Just like how you can tell the difference between two toys because of their different parts, scientists can tell the difference between two molecules because of their different molecular descriptors. It’s like a way for scientists to look at a molecule and know what it’s made of and how it might react with other things.