ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Chifir' is a type of tea that is quite popular in Russia and is usually consumed in the morning or during the day. Chifir' is a very strong and bitter black tea that is made by boiling loose tea leaves in water for an extended period of time.

To make chifir', you would typically take a small pot of water and add a small amount of loose tea leaves to it. This mixture is then heated on the stove until it comes to a boil. Once it is boiling, the heat is reduced to a simmer, and the tea leaves are left to steep for quite a while. This is done to extract as much flavor as possible from the tea leaves and to make the tea as strong as possible.

Once the tea has steeped for a good amount of time, the pot is removed from the heat and allowed to cool for a few minutes. The tea is then filtered through a fine mesh strainer to remove the tea leaves and any other particles that may have found its way into the tea.

Chifir' can be consumed as is or can be sweetened with sugar or honey to make it more palatable. It is known for its high caffeine content and strong, bitter taste. It is often consumed by those looking for a quick energy boost or a morning pick-me-up.

In summary, chifir' is an intense, bitter black tea that is made by boiling loose tea leaves in water for an extended period of time. It is popular in Russia and is consumed for its high caffeine content and energizing properties.
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