ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Child-on-child sexual abuse

Child-on-child sexual abuse happens when one child touches or does sexual acts to another child without their consent or when they cannot give consent because of their young age.

Just like how you wouldn't like it if someone touched you in a way you don't like, it's the same for kids. No one should touch or do anything that makes them feel uncomfortable.

Sometimes, kids do things like playing "doctor" or "house," which might involve touching each other's private parts. It's important to know that if one child doesn't want to play that game or touch another's private parts, they have the right to say no and stop the game.

It's important for grown-ups to listen to what children say, especially if they're telling them that they've been touched or hurt in a way that makes them feel uncomfortable. Grown-ups can help protect kids by teaching them about body boundaries and telling them that it's okay to say no to unwanted touch.

Remember, it's never okay for someone to touch or do things to a child's body that makes them feel uncomfortable.