ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Child-selling is when someone buys or sells a child like they would buy or sell a toy. This is very bad and very wrong because children are not toys or objects. This is very scary for children and can leave them feeling very sad and alone.

Think about when you play with your favorite toy. You love that toy and need it to feel happy. Now imagine if someone took that toy away from you without asking and sold it to someone else. That would make you feel very sad and upset, right? That is how it feels to be a child who is sold.

Children are brought into this world to be loved, cared for, and nurtured. No one has the right to take that away from them, no matter how much money they have. It is important to remember that children are valuable because of who they are, not because of what they can offer. Child-selling is never okay, and we must work hard to stop it and protect all children.