ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Chinese nobility

Okay kiddo, so Chinese nobility is like being part of a big club where certain families have special titles and privileges. These titles are usually passed down from one generation to the next in the same family.

Basically, a long, long time ago there were a bunch of different kingdoms in China, and the rulers of these kingdoms were all noble. Eventually, one guy named Qin Shi Huang became the emperor of all of China, and he created a new system of nobility where people were given titles and ranks based on their loyalty and skills.

Over time, different dynasties came and went and the rules for becoming nobility changed, but certain families remained part of the club with their fancy titles, fancy clothes, and fancy lifestyles. These families had lots of money, lots of power, and lots of influence in society, kind of like celebrities or famous politicians today.

Today, there isn't really a Chinese nobility anymore because the country has a different political system, but the families that were once part of it still exist and some of them are still pretty rich and influential.