ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Christian views on birth control

Okay, kiddo! So, some Christians think that birth control is okay and others think it's not okay. Let's talk more about what that means.

First, let's talk about what birth control is. Birth control is a way for people to prevent getting pregnant when they have sex. This is usually done through using tools like condoms or taking pills.

Now, some Christians believe that using birth control goes against what God wants for us. They believe that God wants us to have babies when we have sex, so using birth control is like going against God's plan. They think that having babies is a good thing because it can help families grow and bring happiness.

But there are other Christians who think that birth control is okay to use. They believe that families should be able to plan when they have babies, and that using birth control can help with that. They think that sometimes it's important for people to wait to have babies until they are ready or until their family is able to support a new baby.

So, as you can see, there are different Christian views on birth control. Some think it's not okay to use because it goes against what God wants, while others think it's okay to use because it can help families plan when they have babies.