ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Chronological list of saints and blesseds in the 17th century

Okay kiddo, so we're going to talk about saints and blesseds from a long time ago, back in the 1600s. You know how we have people who are really good and do good things in our time? Well, back then, they also had people like that who were so good and did such amazing things that they were called saints or blesseds.

Now, a "chronological list" means putting things in order based on when they happened. So, a chronological list of saints and blesseds in the 17th century means we will put all the good people who were declared saints or blesseds in order based on when they lived and were recognized as saints or blesseds.

There were a lot of people who were recognized as saints or blesseds in the 17th century, so I won't be able to talk about all of them. But let me give you a few examples.

One really important person who was recognized as a saint in the 17th century was Saint Rose of Lima. She lived in South America and was known for helping the poor and sick. She also prayed a lot and became very close to God. Because of all the good things she did, people started calling her a saint and eventually the Church officially recognized her as a saint.

Another person who was recognized as a blessed in the 17th century was Blessed Margaret of Castello. She also lived in South America and was born blind and deformed. Despite her challenges, she still loved God and helped others. She prayed a lot for people and even had the gift of healing. People still remember her today as a really good person who lived long ago.

So, to summarize, a chronological list of saints and blesseds in the 17th century means putting all the really good people who were recognized as saints or blesseds during that time in order based on when they lived and were recognized. Some examples include Saint Rose of Lima and Blessed Margaret of Castello.