ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Cikavac is a mythical creature from Serbian folklore. It is believed to be a small animal similar to a bird, but with a reptilian appearance. The word "cikavac" actually means "one who stutters" in the Serbian language.

According to legend, the cikavac is a creature that can bring good luck to those who encounter it. It is said to have magical powers and can grant wishes to those who treat it kindly. However, if angered, the cikavac can become quite vicious and dangerous.

The cikavac is often depicted as having bright colors and patterns on its scales or feathers. It is also said to have a unique call that is more like a stutter than a bird's song.

Despite its magical reputation, the cikavac is not widely known outside of Serbia and is not often talked about in modern times. However, it remains an important symbol of Serbian culture and tradition.