ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

City of regional significance (Ukraine)

Okay kiddo, imagine you live in a big neighborhood with many other neighborhoods nearby, and all of them have their own things that make them special. Some neighborhoods might have bigger parks, some might have more stores, and others might have better schools.

Now, let's say that one of these neighborhoods is really important to the whole area. Maybe it's the one with the most jobs or the one with the fanciest buildings. This neighborhood would be like a City of Regional Significance in Ukraine!

This means that it's an important city in its region and has more power and responsibilities than the other cities around it. It can make its own decisions and policies, and it's responsible for making sure that people who live there have the things they need like hospitals, schools, and clean water.

Just like how your parents are responsible for taking care of you and making sure you have everything you need, a City of Regional Significance is responsible for taking care of the people who live there and making sure they have everything they need to live happy and healthy lives.