ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Civil defence

Civil defense means preparing and protecting people from harm during disasters or emergencies. Think of it like getting ready for a big storm. Your parents will bring in outdoor items, secure the house, gather flashlights, candles and blankets, and make sure there's enough food and water to last a few days. Civil defense is like this - but on a bigger scale.

In a disaster, like a hurricane, earthquake or flood, many people may be affected all at once. Civil defense helps to make sure they are safe and ready for these kinds of situations. Governments work to plan and prepare for emergencies, and put in place measures and procedures to protect people and help them recover quickly after disasters.

Some common strategies used in civil defense are:

1. Emergency drills: Just like practicing a fire drill at school, people practice what they need to do in case of emergencies. This could be as simple as walking to a safe place or staying put. The point is to be prepared.

2. Shelters: When people can't stay in their homes because of a crisis, they might go to a shelter. Shelters are safe places where people can get food, water, and medical help if needed. They might also have cots or beds to sleep on.

3. Evacuation routes: These are roads or paths that get people to a safe place away from danger. It's important to know these routes in case it becomes necessary to leave your home.

By being prepared and knowing what to do, people can stay safe and be ready for whatever may come. That's what civil defense is all about - being ready for the unexpected.